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German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction e.V.(ger.: Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e.V.)
Open positions at TU Delft: PhD and postdoc positions in the field of Highly Effective Lowly Probable Events
Two positions are available at TU Delft (NL) as part of a new EU project in the field of Highly Effective Lowly Probable Events (HILP): a PhD position and a postdoc position. The PhD position offers the opportunity to develop a new approach to stress testing critical...
Professor Lothar Schrott in an interview with Deutschlandfunk on the topic of Early Warning Systems for all
In an interview with Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Professor Lothar Schrott emphasizes the importance of early warning systems in providing timely alerts to people regarding natural disasters. He sees the United Nation's goal of ensuring that every person worldwide receives...
High-Level Meeting on Disaster Risk Reduction: UN Takes Stock of Progress and Setbacks
New York, 17-19 May - The United Nations' highly anticipated Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction concluded, shedding light on the achievements made and the obstacles faced in reducing disaster risks worldwide. The event, held under the...
Lights, Camera, Communicate: analysing the Malayalam Movie “2018” as aRisk Communication Medium
Movies have a profound influence on societies worldwide, shaping opinions and reflecting various aspects of life. They possess the power to address social issues, revolutionize perspectives, spread truths, and even promote propaganda. Given their potency, can movies...
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What is disaster risk reduction?
Storms, natural hazards and extreme events can quickly become a danger to people and the environment. But climate change, extreme urbanization, power outages and fires also offer potential hazards.
A disaster occurs when the functioning of a community or society is impaired or interrupted and, as a result, high human, material, economic and ecological losses occur that cannot be managed alone.
Precautionary measures can help to reduce the consequences and impact of the disaster. Depending on the hazard and personal circumstances, the precautionary measures to be taken may vary.
Find out more about potential hazards and individual precautionary measures on our topic pages.