The DKKV is…

German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction e.V.(ger.: Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e.V.)


DRF Luftrettung is new member of DKKV

DRF Luftrettung is new member of DKKV

DRF Luftrettung officially became a new institutional member of the DKKV in July. "We are looking forward to the exchange with other members and experts and to actively participating in disaster risk management. In the event of natural hazards such as floods,...

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Nationwide warning day on 14 September 2023

Nationwide warning day on 14 September 2023

In a state of disaster, functioning warning systems are essential. For this reason, the nationwide warning channels are tested once a year, this year on September 14. On Thursday at around 11 a.m., the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK)...

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Bonner SDG-Days 2030

Bonner SDG-Days 2030

17 goals for a sustainable world. With the Sustainable Development Goals, in 2025 the United Nations defined 17 goals for a sustainable world to be accomplished by 2030. Between 10.09.2023 and 01.10.2023, numerous activities around the topic of sustainability will...

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FIRE mobil

FIRE mobil

Our society is facing unprecedented challenges. Climate change is in full swing and the effects are fatal. In Germany, an integrated assistance system kicks in when needed - the hazard prevention chain - which is a complex standardized procedure due to various tasks...

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Das Buch „Development and Disasters: Natural Hazards and Vulnerability Reduction“ von James Lewis und Ilan Kelman 2025 wurde überarbeitet und steht nun kostenfrei zum Download zur Verfügung. Mehr unter
10.03 2025 - 10:07
Frauen im #THW waren bis 1959 vom aktiven Einsatz ausgeschlossen. Heute liegt der #Frauenanteil bei den rund 88.000 Ehrenamtlichen bei 17%. Um eine ausgewogenere #Geschlechterverteilung zu fördern, setzt das THW u.a. auf Netzwerke. Mehr unter
10.03 2025 - 08:40
Als assoziierter Partner möchten wir auf die aktuelle Kooperation der #DRK-Schwesternschaft „Bonn“ e.V. und „wir pflegen e.V.“ hinweisen, die pflegende Angehörige besser auf Krisensituationen vorbereiten möchte. Mehr unter
07.03 2025 - 13:27
Am 25. Februar 2025 fand wieder ein spannender #DKKV-Lunchtalk zum Thema: #Erdbeben vor #Santorini mit Prof. Dr. Marco Bohnhoff statt, der nun unter folgendem Link verfügbar ist:
07.03 2025 - 11:04
Das neue #NAR-Portal ermöglicht die #Ausbreitungsberechnung gefährlicher Stoffe in die Atmosphäre und bietet Visualisierungen, #GeoJSON-Dateien und individuelle Anpassungen. Zugänglich für #Katastrophenschutzakteur:innen über #FeWIS. Mehr unter
06.03 2025 - 14:47

What is disaster risk reduction?

Storms, natural hazards and extreme events can quickly become a danger to people and the environment. But climate change, extreme urbanization, power outages and fires also offer potential hazards.

A disaster occurs when the functioning of a community or society is impaired or interrupted and, as a result, high human, material, economic and ecological losses occur that cannot be managed alone.

Precautionary measures can help to reduce the consequences and impact of the disaster. Depending on the hazard and personal circumstances, the precautionary measures to be taken may vary.

Find out more about potential hazards and individual precautionary measures on our topic pages.