The DKKV is…

German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction e.V.(ger.: Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e.V.)


Invitation to the ‘Theme day against flood dementia’

Invitation to the ‘Theme day against flood dementia’

On 30 January 2025 from 2 p.m., the Deichverband Bislich-Landesgrenze invites you to a ‘Theme Day against Flood Dementia’ at the Bürgerhaus Rees to draw attention to the dangers of flooding and heavy rainfall. 30 years after the last major flood on the Rhine in 1995,...

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Serious games lab and video shoot at the DKKV office

Serious games lab and video shoot at the DKKV office

On December 18, 2024, several young professionals (YPs) met at the DKKV office in Bonn for a serious games lab. In the workshop, the participants had the opportunity to try out various serious games on the topics of disaster prevention and risk communication in two...

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Why this house defied the fires in California

Why this house defied the fires in California

The devastating fires in Los Angeles have caused immense damage, but some buildings have survived the flames unscathed. In a recent article in Zeit Online, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Goldhammer explains how special architecture and fire-resistant building materials can...

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New SLE training courses for 2025

New SLE training courses for 2025

The Center for Rural Development (SLE) at Humboldt University of Berlin is once again offering various training courses for experts and managers in international cooperation this year. Between March 17 and October 17, 7 different courses will be offered online and in...

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The DKKV on Bluesky
Der EU-Japan-Workshop zu Forschung und Innovation in der Katastrophenvorsorge fand am 3.-4. März 2025 in Kyoto statt. Neben wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen lag der Fokus auch auf Vernetzungsarbeiten. Mehr unter
04.03 2025 - 14:49
Am 24. und 25. September 2025 findet in Kempten der #ZFBS-Kongress statt, der Expert:innen aus Behörden, Hilfsorganisationen, Kommunen und Wissenschaft versammelt, um über die Zukunft im #Bevölkerungsschutz zu diskutieren. Mehr unter
04.03 2025 - 11:22
#Hochwasser ist eine wachsende Herausforderung für Kommunen. Um innovative und vorbildliche Maßnahmen zur #Hochwasservorsorge zu fördern, vergeben die Akademie Hochwasserschutz und das Deutsche Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e.V. den #Hochwasser-Vorsorge-Preis2025. Mehr unter
28.02 2025 - 10:13
Ab dem 1. März 2025 können sich Ehrenamtliche im #Bevölkerungsschutz wieder für den #Förderpreis „Helfende Hand“ bewerben, der vom Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat ( #BMI) bereits zum 17. Mal verliehen wird. Die Bewerbungsphase endet am 30. Juni 2025. Mehr unter
27.02 2025 - 09:04
In #Chile gab es in der Nacht von Dienstag auf Mittwoch einen großflächigen #Stromausfall. Mehr Informationen unter
27.02 2025 - 08:35

What is disaster risk reduction?

Storms, natural hazards and extreme events can quickly become a danger to people and the environment. But climate change, extreme urbanization, power outages and fires also offer potential hazards.

A disaster occurs when the functioning of a community or society is impaired or interrupted and, as a result, high human, material, economic and ecological losses occur that cannot be managed alone.

Precautionary measures can help to reduce the consequences and impact of the disaster. Depending on the hazard and personal circumstances, the precautionary measures to be taken may vary.

Find out more about potential hazards and individual precautionary measures on our topic pages.