On 16 March 2023 a joint EU – NATO task force started its work on resilience of critical infrastructure. It was one of the aims to identify current security challenges and find recommendations on how to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure. The now published Final Assessment Report highlights that there are sectors that can be used as essential key points for resilient transformation and cause significant spill-over effects, such as Energy, Transport, Digital Infrastructure, and Space. They also require higher attention as they face particular challenges and are bottlenecks for many other sectors.

Besides identifying vulnerabilities, the report recommends 14 points to strengthen resilience, that include inter alia:

  • close cooperation (p.ex. in joint exercises),
  • using regular assessment and focused, scenario-based dialogue to develop strategies,
  • enhancing awareness for security implications and risks (p.ex. by developing alternatives in cases of disruption),
  • and promoting the exchange of best practices between civilian and military actors.