The emissions data for Germany in 2024 show a significant undershoot of the allowed CO2-equivalent limit of 693.4 million tons. However, despite this positive development, Germany risks missing its climate targets for 2030 under the EU Climate Protection Regulation (Effort Sharing Regulation). The most problematic areas are the insufficient progress in the transport and building sectors, which could pose long-term challenges to the transition to climate neutrality.

A positive aspect is the contribution of the energy sector, particularly electricity generation, to emissions reduction. The expansion of renewable energy and a rapid phase-out of coal power remain central pillars for achieving the climate targets. In addition, stronger measures are needed to promote natural carbon sinks, such as forest conversion and the use of more durable wood products, to increase carbon storage and secure the climate targets for 2030.

You can find the full report from the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) here.

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