Bonn Network on DRR

The Bonn Network International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction unites the Bonn-based actors of national and international civil protection in partnership.

Key Picture Bonn Network

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The Bonn network presents itself

The Bonn Network International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction serves to promote networking and exchange among Bonn-based national and international actors from politics, civil society, academia and the private sector.

The Bonn Network International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction combines the common vision of sustainably strengthening Bonn as a location for German expertise in international disaster risk management with the guiding principles of:

  • bundling competencies
  • building up and exchanging knowledge and experience
  • thinking integratively and to develop joint offers
  • building resilient structures
  • incorporating findings from international disaster management into development cooperation.

The Bonn Network International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction is intended to promote and encourage cooperation between Bonn experts in international risk management and to inform the interested public about current developments in this field. The guiding principle of sustainability is to be further promoted. In this way, the network also makes a contribution to strengthening Bonn as a place of dialogue on global issues of the future and as a “sustainability hub”.


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founded in 2017 on the initiative of the city of Bonn in cooperation with the Geographic Institute of the University of Bonn and numerous supporting organisations

A list of our current partners can be found here: Networkpartners

The secretariat of the Bonn Network is financed through the city of Bonn.  

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In a broad coalition of actors from all areas and levels, the network wants to:

  • strengthen the exchange and networking of actors active in the field of disaster prevention and risk management at the site
  • inform about tasks, services, events and projects
  • strengthen Bonn as a center of excellence in the field of international disaster management and risk management.

The partners of the network plan joint activities, such as active participation in national and international events, conferences and trade fairs, e.g. the Bonn Disaster Prevention Day or UN events. In addition, workshops, lecture series and discussion events will provide information on current topics in the field of international disaster management. These will not only be addressed to experts, but will also be open to the interested public.

Further information, current news, an event overview and much more about the Bonn network can be found on our website

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