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Institutional Members
Personal Members
Young Professionals
Institutional Members

ADAC Luftrettung
‘We help people in need.’ This is what ADAC Luftrettung does every day – with passion, a high level of commitment and many years of experience. For almost 54 years now, ADAC Luftrettung has been an important pillar of the public rescue service system in Germany. As one of the largest air rescue organisations in Europe, it has already flown more than 1.2 million missions. With 55 ADAC rescue helicopters and 38 locations, ADAC Luftrettung maintains a practically nationwide network of stations in Germany.
They carry out these rescue missions together with emergency doctors and specialist rescue personnel from various local hospitals, aid organisations and fire brigades. They ensure the highest possible standard of performance in flight operations as well as in equipment and training. Their common goal: to bring help to patients as quickly as possible and thus save lives. ‘We are here!’
More information at https://luftrettung.adac.de/

Akademie Hochwasserschutz
The Akademie Hochwasserschutz was founded in 2023. The flood situations, flash floods and heavy rainfall events of recent years have shown that it is important to provide better and more comprehensive training and networking for those responsible in disaster control organisations, local authorities, administration at all levels, the German Armed Forces and other bodies. Together with partners from administration, industry and universities, the Akademie Hochwasserschutz has developed a training programme that covers all aspects of flood management. Such a comprehensive training programme did not exist before 2003. Furthermore, research is supported and all flood-related knowledge is pooled in order to optimise flood protection as a holistic approach.
The guiding principle and core message is ‘Protect lives – minimise damage’.
The Akademie Hochwasserschutz also focuses on educating and awareness-raising among the population in order to strengthen personal preparedness. As multipliers, the trained flood protection consultants are a pillar of the activities. In this context, it is important that civil protection and hydro-engineering understand each other’s language.
Uferstraße 2a
65080 Wiesbaden

Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) is an executive agency of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community and is responsible for matters related to civil protection and disaster assistance. The BBK takes into account all areas of civil disaster preparedness and integrates them into an effective mechanism in order to protect the population and its livelihood. BBK advises and supports other state-level and national authorities in their daily work. For example, it developed methods for risk analysis in civil protection, which can be applied for risk analyses on all administrative levels. Within the scope of its responsibilities in warning the population in case of hazards, BBK e.g. operates the warning app NINA that transmits hazard alerts to the public. The Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Civil Protection as the central educational institution of the federal state regarding risk and crisis management, and regarding civil protection is organized by the BBK. Furthermore, the National Focal Point for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is based at the BBK.

Federal Office for Agriculture and Food
The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (German: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) has a wide range of tasks in the fields of agriculture, food, rural areas, forestry, fisheries and consumer protection. As a modern service center, it supports its partners in the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), in the federal states and in industry. As a project management office within the BMEL, the BLE promotes and supervises numerous national and international projects along the entire agricultural value chain. At the international level, the BLE advises the BMEL on general issues of international cooperation and world nutrition and performs tasks in the field of EU research coordination.
As the market regulation body in the area of EU agricultural market and foreign trade regulations, it implements measures to stabilize agricultural markets, among other things.
At the federal level, the BLE also performs key food security and precautionary tasks outside times of crisis. These include regular recording of the supply situation, analysis and planning tasks, and organizational and technical management of national food stocks. In the event of a crisis, the BLE is given extended powers to secure the nationwide supply of food and feed.
Marktordnungs- und Krisenmaßnahmen, Kritische Infrastrukturen Landwirtschaft

Federal Agency for Technical Relief

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

Germany's National Meteorological Service

German Research Centre for Geosciences

German Red Cross

German Aerospace Center

DRF Luftrettung
The DRF Luftrettung, based in Filderstadt, is one of the largest air rescue organisations in Europe. The helicopters and ambulance aircraft of the non-profit organisation take off for their missions from 31 stations at 29 locations in Germany. These include emergency rescue missions, transfer flights of critically ill or injured persons between hospitals and retrievals of patients from abroad. At twelve of these stations, crews are on standby around the clock, and helicopters with rescue winches are used at four locations. In total, the DRF Luftrettung performed almost 40,000 missions in 2022.
More information at www.drf-luftrettung.de

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology

Stadtentwässerungsbetriebe Köln, AöR

Federal Environment Agency
The Competence Centre “KomPass – Climate Impacts and Adaptation in Germany” as part of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has set itself the task to promote climate change adaptation in Germany and Europe. The main tasks of KomPass include the further development of the German Adaptation Strategy (DAS) and the promotion of its implementation. In the progress report on the DAS (2015) concrete steps and measures were defined. To this end, KomPass pools and imparts expertise on climate impacts and potential adaptation measures. Its target groups are authorities, scientists, industrial and environmental associations, companies and citizens.
Dr. Andreas Huck

United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security
Personal Members
Name | Institution | Kontakt |
Achim Hackstein | Fachverband Leitstellen e.V. | Telefon: +49 (0) 160 904 15630 |
Armin Zeising | E-Mail: armin.zeising@outlook.de | |
Cordula Dittmer | ||
Dipl.-Ing. Sylvia Wallasch | ||
Dr. Alexander Rudloff | GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung | |
Dr. Jürgen Clemens | Malteser Hilfsdienst | |
Dr. Martin Hellmann | ||
Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Rother | Am Hessendenkmal 10 | Telefon: +49 (0) 6131 / 47 37 53 |
Norbert Englisch | ZFBS - Zentrum Führung im Bevölkerungsschutz Hochstr. 3, 87499 Wildpoldsried | E-mail: norbert.englisch@zfbs.info Internet: www.zfbs.info |
Frank Ehl | Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) | E-Mail: frank.ehl@posteo.de |
Gerold Reichenbach | Poststraße 2a | E-Mail: gerold.reichenbach@t-online.de |
Hao Vu | ||
Horst Kremers | Postf. 200548 | Telefon: +49 (0) 30 / 20 87 89 02 |
Inga Henning-Finke | ||
Jörg Kastner | Roche Diagnostics Germany GmbH | E-Mail: joerg.kastner@roche.com |
Dr. Julia Höller | Landtag Nordrhein-Westfalen | Adresse: Platz des Landtags 1, 40221 Düsseldorf Telefon: 0211 884 4048 Email: Julia.Hoeller@landtag.nrw.de Internet: https://www.julia-hoeller.de/ |
Karl-Heinz Banse | Deutscher Feuerwehrverband e.V.
| Telefon: +49 (0) 30 / 28 88 48-800 |
Katja Dörner | Oberbürgermeisterin der Bundesstadt Bonn | Telefon: +49 (0) 228/772000 |
Leon Eckert | ||
Manuel Atug | HiSolutions AG
12163 Berlin | Telefon: +49 (0) 30 533 289-207 |
Nevzat Bucioglu | Infinidat Germany | E-Mail: nbucioglu@infinidat.com |
Peter Brandmann | Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk Tillypark 200 | |
Peter Schichan | SFU Wien - Institut für psychoanalytisch-ethnologische Katastrophenforschung | Telefon: +41 79 893 18 42 |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Fekete | Technische Hochschule Köln | Telefon: +49 (0) 221 / 82 75-26 04 |
Prof. Dr. Annegret Thieken | Universität Potsdam | Telefon: +49 (0) 331 / 977-29 84 |
Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob | Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) | Telefon: +49 (0) 40 / 22 63 38 40 6 |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Johann Georg Goldammer | Global Fire Monitoring Center | Telefon: +49 (0) 761 / 80 80 11 |
Prof. Dr. Frank Fiedrich | Bergische Universität Wuppertal | Telefon: +49 (0) 202 / 439-56 00 |
Franziskus Bayer | Chief Resilience Officer / Leiter Konzernsicherheit TÜV Rheinland Group | Telefon: 015159951953 E-Mail: franziskus.bayer@tuv.com |
Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas | Universität zu Köln | |
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Wenzel | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | E-Mail: friedemann.wenzel@kit.edu |
Kyoung-Su Park | E-mail: ky.park@gmx.de | |
Prof. Dr. Henning Goersch | FOM Hochschule für Ökonomie & Management gGmbH | Telefon: +49 (0) 251 / 92 77 86 21 0 |
Prof. Dr. Janos Bogardi | ZEF - Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung | Telefon: +49 (0) 228 / 73 61 87 |
Prof. Dr. Lars Gerhold | Technische Universität Braunschweig | E-Mail: lars.gerhold@tu-braunschweig.de |
Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott | Universität Bonn | Telefon: +49 (0) 228 / 73-53 94 |
Prof. Dr. Martin Voss | Freie Universität Berlin | Telefon: +49 (0) 30 / 83 87 26 13 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) | |
Prof. Dr. Peter Bradl | IREM - Institut für Rettungswesen, Notfall- und Katastrophenmanagement | Telefon: +49 (0) 931 / 35 11-81 35 |
Prof. Dr. Reimund Schwarze | Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ | Telefon: +49 (0) 341 / 2 35 16 07 |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pickl | Universität der Bundeswehr München | Telefon: +49 (0) 89 / 60 04 24 00 |
Prof. Dr. Uwe Ulbrich | Freie Universität Berlin | Telefon: +49 (0) 30 / 83 87 11 86 |
Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Terlau | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg | Telefon: +49 (0) 2241 / 86 54 10 |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörn Birkmann | ||
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Torsten Schlurmann | Franzius-Institut für Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Leibnitz Universität Hannover | Telefon: +49 (0) 511 / 7 62 25 73 |
Uwe Becker | Ministerium für Inneres, Bau und Digitalisierung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Telefon: 0385-588 12620 |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Klewer | Fakultät Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaften | Email: Joerg.Klewer@fh-zwickau.de |
Young Professionals
Name | Institution | Kontakt |
Alexander Raab | E-Mail: alexander.raab@elitenetzwerk.de | |
Anissa Vogel | Geographsiches Institut Köln | |
Antonia Calenberg | ||
Astrid Wigidal | Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences | E-Mail: astrid.wigidal@fb4.fra-uas.de |
Björn Henzler | E-Mail: mail@bjoernhenzler.de | |
Chris Hetkämper | Institut für Rettungsingenieurwesen und Gefahrenabwehr - TH Köln | |
Christiane Herchenbach | ||
Christian Skibak | CAE Services GmbH | E-Mail: christian@skibak.com |
Daniel Hannemann | Student "Management in der Gefahrenabwehr" an der Hochschule für Ökonomie & Management | daniel.hannemann@fom-net.de |
Dennis Wengenroth | DLRG Bundesverband | Telefon: 0173-6357743 (dienstlich) |
Dominic Sett | E-Mail: sett@ehs.unu.edu | |
Désirée Schaper | ||
Eric Kohlschreiber | E-Mail: eric.kohlschreiber@outlook.de | |
Fabian Flöck | Student an der Universität Bonn | E-Mail: fabianfloeck@gmx.de |
Felix Köhring | ||
Gerold Stabel | Student | E-Mail: gerold.stabel@outlook.de |
Heike Bruns | Umeå University, Schweden | E-Mail: heikebrkn@gmail.com |
Jacob Molte | Deutsches Rotes Kreuz | E-Mail: email@jacobmolte.de |
Jan Hänsel | E-Mail: jan_haensel@web.de | |
Jan-Henning T. | ||
Janna Frischen | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH | Telefon: +261 34 72 252 84 |
Julia Neuschl | j.neuschl@goettingen.de | |
Juliane Benner | Studentin | E-Mail: benner.juliane@web.de |
Julius Schlumberger | ||
Julius Troles | E-Mail: julius.troles@web.de | |
Katharina Seeger | E-Mail: k.seeger@uni-koeln.de | |
Kathrin Förster | Studentin – Universität Bonn | E-Mail: s6knfoer@uni-bonn.de |
Kevin Klein | Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe | |
Korbinian Eder | Bayerische Rote Kreuz | E-Mail: korbinian.eder@gmx.de |
Lina-Marie Müller | E-Mail: lina.burgwedel@gmx.de | |
Luisa Ruck | E-Mail: luisa.ruck@web.de | |
Lukas Edbauer | Mercator Kolleg für Internationale Aufgaben , Stiftung Mercator | E-Mail: lukas.edbauer@gmail.com |
Malte Plewa | E-Mail: mltplewa@gmail.com | |
Marie-Theres Baranski | Studentin | E-Mail: baranski@uni-bonn.de |
Markus Seyfarth | ||
Martin Gonder | E-Mail: martingonder@aol.com | |
Michael Bartz | ||
Michael Skala | E-Mail: m.skala@bevoelkerungsschutz.info | |
Moritz Schneider | DLR e.V / Fachgebiet Bevölkerungsschutz, Katastrophenhilfe und Objektsicherheit der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal | |
Nathalie S. | ||
Niklas Mascha | Student an der Universität Bonn | E-Mail: niklas.mascha@uni-bonn.de |
Noah Herschbach | ||
Noel Perera | Student Disaster Risk Managment | E-Mail: contact.noelperera@gmail.com |
Nina Senge | Universität Bonn | E-Mail: s6niseng@uni-bonn.de |
Peter Frandsen | ||
René Kusdian | Geographisches Institut, Universität Bonn | Telefon: +49 (0)228 73 2693 |
Sarah Lindenlaub | Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geographie, Universität Potsdam | lindenlaub@uni-potsdam.de |
Sebastian H. | ||
Sophie Eisenbarth | E-Mail: sophie.eisenbarth@t-online.de | |
Sophie Lacher | RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau | E-Mail: sophie.lacher@rptu.de |
Tabea Klör | ||
Heike Brunken | Umeå University, Schweden | E-Mail: heikebrkn@gmail.com |
Thorsten Weber | Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe | E-Mail: thorsten@weber-home.org |