UNDRR & UNOPS host the Secretariat of the Santiago Network

The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) have been decided on as the new hosts for the secretariat of the Santiago Network.

Aim of the Santiago Network is to avert, minimize and address loss and damage from the impacts of climate change. The platform will accelerate countries’ access to technical assistance to combat the worsening effects of the climate emergency.

Source: UNDRR, Reimund Schwarze, Down to Earth

Nuclear Energy Summit 2024

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has announced a “first-of-its-kind” nuclear energy summit that will be held next year in Brussels, Belgium.

22 countries have announced this forming of an “Atomic Alliance” (WELT) on Saturday without any prior notice ahead of the cop. The plan is to cut down on carbon emissions by tripling world-wide use of nuclear energy by 2030.

Source: IAEA, WELT, Reimund Schwarze

Tropical Forest Forever Fund

In the face of the COP30 in 2026 in Brazil, the country is proposing a new fund to mobilise finance to conserve forests, the so called “Tropical Forest Forever Fund” by raising $250 Billion from sovereign wealth funds and investors such as the oil industry. To be eligible to receive the funds, tropical forest countries would need to keep deforestration rates below a set threshold or show that the rate is decreasing, by using individual monitoring processes.

Source: Nature4Climate

Food and Health Days

Food: 134 world leaders signed a historic declaration on agriculture, food, and climate action. More than $2.5 billion to support food security while combating climate change will be mobilized. The“UAE Declaration for COP28 on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action” – will help strengthen food systems, increase resilience to climate change, reduce global emissions and contribute to the global fight against hunger.

Health: The first-ever health day at COP took place at the weekend. Since intensifying weather and climate events affect health both directly and indirectly, increasing risk of death, the spread of infectious diseases and health emergencies, it is inevitable to tackle the connection between climate change and health outcomes. Thus, the day dedicated to health helped to highlight the benefits of climate action for human and global health.

Source: COP