The 35th International Geographical Congress is taking place in Dublin between 24.-30. August 2024. This conference is recognising that our world faces many common natural and societal challenges that can only be dealt with through global action, understanding, and sharing. The theme of the next congress is „Celebrating a World of Differences.“

If you happen to do research in that field you are invited to submit an abstract about your research for presentation at the congress.

  • The maximum length of an abstract is 250 wordsPlease ensure that your findings are described to a level sufficient for reviewers to make an informed decision on quality. Abstracts that fail to meet these criteria will be rejected.
  • All Abstracts must be written in English.
  • If you use references, please use Havard referencing.
  • Main author must attend the congress in person.
  • Deadline for submission:Friday 12th January 2024.

The session is titled: „Resilient Futures in a World of Differences: Connecting Dimensions for Integrated Disaster Risk Managemen“ and is open for abstract submission. Evenethough IDRM is the core topic of the session, approaches from various angles and backgrounds are welcome in the purpose of widening the angle of perspectives.

Abstracts must be submitted to sessions associated with congress Commissions – full details of the sessions per Commission are available hereFor more information visit the cogress´ website.