The 7th DRMKC Annual Seminar emphasied EU climate politics, identified knowledge gaps in disaster resilience, and presented innovative solutions, showcasing the critical role of science in building resilience and fostering collaboration. The report, which is available now, is bringing together all identified key findings in the categories of knowledge gabs, EU policy development, innovative solutions as well as the role of science.

Further information, the infographic as well as the report can be found on the DRMKC Website.

Knowledge gabs:
– Early Warning Systems and Monitoring
– Data Accessibility and Missing Information
– Public Warning Systems and Communication
– Risk Assessment for Emerging Systemic Risks
– DRM Governance

EU Policy Developments:
– European Climate Law
– Assessments
– European Climate Risk Assessment
– EU Critical Entities Resilience Directive

Innovative Solutions:
– Risk Assessment
– Early Warning Systems and Monitoring
– Communication
– DRM Governance
– Artificial Intelligence
– Foresight

Role of Science:
– Fill Knowledge Gabs
– Geo-tageted Slerts
– Common Language and Glossary
– Scientific Data
– Knowledge Exchange
– Draft and Implementation of EU-funded Projects