Due to the events of recent years, the topic of disaster management has gained in importance in the public perception in Germany. Coping with these events has raised a variety of questions about the appropriateness of current structures. For example, with regard to the current measures and strategies for considering people with disabilities in German disaster management. There is already a lack of knowledge about the status quo.

Against this background, researchers at the University of Tübingen are conducting a study on behalf of Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. on the current status of taking into account the needs and abilities of people with disabilities in German disaster management. The aim is to bring together existing knowledge and, where necessary, to identify target-oriented development potential.

Do you have any information on emerging strategies, concepts, publications, training courses, events or other input on the topic of considering people with disabilities in German disaster management? The team at the University of Tübingen would be pleased to receive your help and submissions to KIM@izew.uni-tuebingen.de.