On Saturday the 28.10.2023 is Day of Civil Protection 2023.

Between 10:00-17:00 you can visit numerous vehicles of the Bonn relief organizations, the THW and the fire department on the Münsterplatz. This year’s Disaster Prevention Day will focus on the main topics of “heavy rain and flood protection”. With regard to these topics, there will be demonstration exercises of the organizations involved in disaster control and exciting activities to participate in. In addition, there will be information booths of the individual organizations, which will inform the visitors about the various possibilities for volunteer work. The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), institutional member of the DKKV, as well as the HochwasserKompetenzCentrum e.V. (Flood Competence Center) will also provide information at their booths about measures for self-preparedness.

On the website of the city of Bonn you will find further information as well as the time and location plan for the day.