The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 has reached the halfway point of the project. Now it is time to evaluate the progress of the program and to shed light on and address challenges.

Questions about the German Resilience Strategy – about goals and implementation – will be addressed at the online event “Resilience in Germany – Today and Tomorrow” on Oct. 26, 2023. The event, organized by DKKV and NKS, is designed as a pre-event to the DRK Disaster Risk Reduction Conference in April next year.

The pre-event will be held in German and is split into a morning and afternoon program.

In the morning, which will be purely digital, the NKS will present the current status of the implementation of the German Resilience Strategy, report on the interim evaluation of the global implementation of the Sendai Framework, and discuss questions and next steps with participants. DKKV will then present its current research on the limits of resilience measurement.

This will be followed in the afternoon by a Future Literacy Lab on resilience in Germany after 2030 for invited guests in attendance.

Further event information as well as the possibility to register for the morning can be found here.