Since 1996, Bonn has hosted a “United Nations Birthday Party” on a Saturday in October to bring the work of the UN closer to the general public.  Many internatioanal organisations, based in Bonn, represent their work in information booths in the city center. Visitors are invited to ask question to gain a more indepth insight into the work of the United Nations and showcasting activities are waiting for every age group.

This year the UN day will be hosted on 21. October 2023 between 11:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., with the focus on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGD). “Leaving no one behind” is the slogan of these goals. Beyond the informational exchange, there will be several children´s activities and live music.

Further information can be found on the UN Website as well as the Bonn City Website.