Our society can only develop sustainably if all stakeholder groups are actively involved in the change. Therefore, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) should be designed as a cooperative and participatory process together with civil society. The German Federal Environment Agency has published a brochure discussing ideas and recommendations for action for civic engagement in the context of the SDGs.

This brochure highlights how existing civic initiatives can contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs. For example, how an initiative by parents at a daycare center that advocated for organic food for the children contributes to SDG 3 “Health and well-being” and SDG 12 “Sustainable consumption and production.”

In order to further promote civil engagement and thus further advance sustainable development, the brochure contains recommendations for action to further build collaborations to implement the SDGs. There are concrete recommendations for stakeholders, scientists, and political and governmental actors.

Cooperation among these actors is important in order to develop sustainably successful projects. Good cooperation must be based on openness, the ability to deal with conflict, trust and common ground.

This brochure offers inspiration and a good overview for people who want to get involved in their environment and for people who have the possibility to support this with scientific and political means.

Click here for the complete brochure from the Federal Environment Agency.