The “Zentrum KlimaAnpassung” (Centre for Climate Adaptation), an initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, offers a first four-part workshop series in Magdeburg for northern federal states between November 2023 and March 2024. All four dates should be attended to ensure completeness; a second series of workshops will follow in 2024 for central and southern federal states.

The aim is to address initiators of climate adaptation processes in rural districts and inter-municipal cooperation, primarily from rural areas. The cross-communal approach is important to the centre, as climate change and extreme weather events rarely stick to borders.

Workshop topics will be:

  • 13-14.11.23 “Mission clarification and implementation planning: turning an idea into a concrete mission”.
  • 04.-05.12.23 “Relevant thematic fields and a vision for the region”.
  • 22.-23.01.24 “Integrated climate adaptation process and development of measures”
  • 06.-07.03.24 “Implementation, stabilisation and evaluation”.

For more information, please visit the website of the Climate Adaptation Centre.