The worldwide melting of glacier ice is reducing the available freshwater resources in many regions and at the same time leading to a sustained rise in global sea levels. A new study conducted as part of the Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise (GlaMBIE) and published in the journal Nature on 19 February 2025 provides important insights into this. This study was supported by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and 34 other international scientific teams.

It also focused on the differences between various observation methods, which provides an improved basis for future studies and helps to reduce uncertainties in the modelling of sea level rise and regional water availability in the 21st century. The findings will contribute to a more accurate prediction and understanding of the effects of glacier melt.

The full DLR article with images and further links can be found here, the paper under this link.

(Image source: ©DLR/EOC)