At the New Year’s reception of the Landesmuseum Dithmarschen on 11 January 2025, everything will revolve around the exhibition #Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie. Participants can look back on challenging years and crisis communication at federal, state and local level in Germany, as well as gaining insights into the research findings of the ‘Optimisation of risk and crisis communication by governments, authorities and health security organisations (MIRKKOMM)’ network funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Take the opportunity to talk to the researchers or walk through the interactively designed exhibition and recall how you experienced the various events and perceived the communication of politicians and authorities. Play the COVID-19 pandemic memo or discover on the multi-touch table how research can help to better manage future crises and how risks can be communicated more effectively.

Participation is free of charge. Your well-being will be catered for. Click here for registration and further information.

(Image source: Museum für Kommunikation Berlin)