The latest edition of the DKKV Lunchtalk on the topic of ‘Floods in southern Germany in June 2024’ took place yesterday as part of the flood distributor’s exchange meetings. Andreas Schäfer and Uwe Ehret from the Forensic Disaster Analysis (FDA) Group of the DKKV member Centre for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM) presented the results of their report and discussed the record precipitation and hydro-meteorological insights of the flood event under the moderation of Ronja Winkhardt-Enz from DKKV. Finally, the participants were able to exchange views on the consequences of the flood and necessary measures in a discussion round, during which other interesting aspects were discussed. If you missed the lunchtalk, you can find the recording of the lunchtalk on our YouTube channel.

The DKKV would like to thank Andreas Schäfer and Uwe Ehret as well as all participants.