THW provides support with barriers against African swine feverThe German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is playing an important role in the fight against African swine fever (ASF) and deploys around 100 helpers every day to prevent the spread of the virus. In Bavaria and Hesse, the THW forces are erecting 50-kilometre-long protective and electric fence barriers along the state borders. A total of around 1,100 helpers from 62 local organisations are deployed. While the electric fence in Bavaria has already been completed, the teams are working on another protective fence in Hesse, which is being built on behalf of the Hessian Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment.

The THW forces are taking on numerous tasks, including the transport of fencing material as well as the logistics and catering for the deployment teams. According to THW President Sabine Lackner, these operations demonstrate the organisation’s high level of flexibility and professionalism. The supra-regional cooperation of the six THW regional organisations involved enables the rapid implementation of the protective measures.

Further information is available here.

Image source: THW