Today, a delegation from La Paz, Bolivia, visited the DKKV office in Bonn to learn more about disaster prevention, particularly with regard to floods, inundations and landslides caused by heavy rainfall events. The two-person delegation consisted of Maria del Carmen Rocabado Miranda and José Antonio Rivera Villegas from the Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de La Paz.

Firstly, Ronja Winkhardt-Enz introduced the DKKV and reported on the work of the DKKV in connection with the 2021 flood disaster, focusing in particular on the ‘lessons to be learnt’ that were identified in retrospect from this disaster in order to be better prepared for future events.

Maria del Carmen Rocabado Miranda then presented the specific circumstances and challenges facing La Paz. Possible further steps were then discussed on how to organise future cooperation.

The delegation visit was organised by the Office for International Affairs and Global Sustainability of the City of Bonn.