A new report ‘Navigating New Horizons – A global foresight report on planetary health and human wellbeing’ by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and the ISC (International Science Council) highlights urgent challenges arising from the increasing intensity of global crises. These include climate change, loss of nature and biodiversity as well as increasing pollution and waste. These crises are exacerbated by eight major global changes, including technological advances, resource scarcity and growing inequalities. These developments are leading to a so-called polycrisis, in which different global crises reinforce and synchronise each other, with serious consequences for human and planetary health.

The report identifies 18 signs of change that represent both risks and opportunities. These include the increasing demand for rare earths for technological developments, which could impact the environment, and the potential dangers posed by thawing permafrost, which could potentially release pathogenic ancient organisms. The use of artificial intelligence and increasing global conflicts further exacerbate the situation and lead to additional risks and uncertainties.

Key recommendations from the report include:

  • Use forecasting tools: To be better prepared and recognise and respond to future challenges early. Through predictive analysis, we can better anticipate disasters and take preventive action.
  • New social contract: Broader involvement of different stakeholders, including young people and indigenous peoples, is needed to develop equitable and sustainable solutions. These approaches can help to better manage global crises.
  • Set short-term goals: To be more flexible and adaptable to rapid changes and new challenges. This is crucial for rapid adaptation to disasters and crises.
  • Reform financial systems: To reduce inequalities and specifically address environmental crises. Restructuring financial systems can help to utilise resources more effectively and promote social justice.

The report emphasises the urgency of adopting a forward-looking approach to better manage disasters and develop innovative solutions to the identified global challenges. Given the increasing complexity and intensity of global crises, it is crucial to act proactively and develop effective strategies to avert impending disasters and safeguard planetary and human health in the long term.

Further information is available here.

You can view the full report here.