The second day of the Global Summit of the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) began with the launch of the new report: “Making Displacement Safer Cookbook“, which contains the key approaches and ingredients needed to successfully reduce disaster risks for displaced people in urban areas. Ten ‘ingredients’ of good practice were identified from 11 countries, and eight case studies – in the form of ‘recipes’ – show how these have been put into practice.

The next block consisted of several parallel sessions on risk-proofing infrastructure and the built environment, capacity building at the local level, community-led risk assessment and mapping, and data sharing for resilience: a way to effectively collaborate with stakeholders. In the latter, DKKV employee Ronja Winkhardt-Enz presented the DKKV. She focused in particular on knowledge transfer and in this context discussed the DKKV flood platform and the DKKV-Werkstatt format.

In the afternoon, the four major regions of GNDR came together at round tables to discuss current challenges and capacities to be addressed in the next GNDR strategy.

Before the participants met for a gala dinner, some short films of disaster-prone communities taking action to reduce risk were shown and discussed with panelists.

GNDR is happy to welcome other civil society members from Germany. Membership is free of charge.