A consortium of seven European universities and higher education institutes has received funding to promote a network of postgraduate programs in the field of disaster risk and crisis management. The European Commission accepted the EUMA-Project proposal (“Creating an EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster´s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management”) for a two-year grant. Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott, head of the postgraduate master´s program “master of Disaster Management and Risk Governance”, as well as DKKV-board member, together with the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) is one of the key partners. The aim of the project is to strengthen the network of postgraduates and advance the professionalisation of civil protection through a Europe-wide knowledge exchange with high-ranking international seminars, summer schools and scientific publications. The target group is primarily students in postgraduate degree programs in the field of civil protection in governmental and private institutions or aid organisations.
Mutual learning and transnational knowledge exchange is essential, as devastating forest fires and other extreme weather situations are advancing in more norther latitudes as well.

The first EUMA Workshop “Cross-border humanitarian assistance: Legal and Institutional Aspects” is taking place in Pisa, Italy between 11-12 March 2024. This one-and-a-half day, discussion-based workshop will explore the international legal framework dealing with disasters and conflicts, as well as institutional and operational aspects related to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and other international disaster management systems. The workshop, conducted in a hybrid format, will be open to roughly 20 participants, primarily targeting disaster management professionals, but also welcoming representatives from EUMA partner institutions.

For participation, please register via this email riccardo1.luporini@santannapisa.it until 27th March 2024.
Please click here for further information.

Image rights: EUMA